Oct 19, 2020 | John Davidson | 786 views
Working with Town, Oct 19th
We have just spoken with the Town regarding the return to Modified Stage 2 and would like to update everyone. We, the GGHA Executive, have a plan going forward and are ready to move ahead, but the Town needs time to review and implement their responsibilities and plan.
Please read the entire message by clicking the link.
The Town has advised that we will not have ice until notified, which will probably be Friday or possibly Thursday, but they will not commit to this.
We are working with each division to make teams of 8 players so that each practice will have 1 coach and 1 trainer to stay within the maximum of 10 people. Most of these teams have already been determined. Our schedule is determined and we are working on additional RampTeams to help with schedules and getting players signed in.
As the Provincial limit is 10 people in the rink we have asked the Town if we can use the hall above the rink for parents to watch. They are reviewing this and will advise.
More information will follow.