TO ALL GGHA Members:
GGHA – Proof of Vaccination Statement
We appreciate how challenging a time this is for all of you as we continue to deal with the impact of COVID-19 on our return to hockey.
On September 14, 2021, the Government of Ontario provided further details of the Proof of Vaccination requirements and exemptions which would come into effect on September 22, 2021 under O. Reg. 364/20: Rules for Areas at Step 3 and at the Roadmap Exit Step.
Please read the entire article
The GGHA continues to follow the regulations set out by the Provincial Government, the Town of Georgina and our governing body OWHA.
We have learned that many other facilities (Newmarket, Markham, NewTecumseth, North Durham etc.) are taking a more strict approach to the regulations and are requiring all persons 12+, including those actively participating in an organized sport to be FULLY vaccinated to enter the facility. The result is, our GGHA participants (players and staff) may be restricted to enter facilities if not fully vaccinated.
Please speak with your coach or email [email protected] immediately if you feel these restrictions may affect you. We will need to discuss the impact when attending another arena, or if the Town of Georgina implements stronger restrictions, the potential impact as we work to organize teams and solutions for this challenge.
The GGHA recommends that all registered participants 12+ and team staff be fully vaccinated to participate without being subject to restrictions imposed by other municipalities.
Vaccination Validation Process – Effective September 22, 2021
Verification of vaccination receipts will be conducted and verified by the Town of Georgina staff and on-site security for anyone over 18 years of age and all spectators 12+. Security will be placed at the double doors entering the Ice Palace lobby.
Please ensure that all spectators have their ID and vaccination receipt readily available upon entering.
Town Staff will begin letting players and team staff into the facility 15 minutes prior to ice time. We ask that players and team staff line up first to enter the facility in order to access the change rooms in a timely manner. Spectators may proceed to follow. 2 spectators per player.
GGHA Team Staff will continue with Covid screening and contact tracing to comply with public health requirements. Masks and physical distancing are still required while inside the facility.
Visiting teams are required to complete their own screening and contact tracing. At this time, the Provincial, limited youth sport exemption applies to “participants” visiting a facility in the Town of Georgina.
Thank you once again for your patience as we continue to get back to hockey!
Georgina Golden Hawks - Executive Team