Oct 01, 2021 | John Davidson | 608 views
Revision by the Town of Georgina RE: York Region Public Health Unit - Facility Vaccination Requirements
York Region
Public Health, has the governing authority to develop policies and mandates that
apply across York Region. As indicated Wednesday, York Region Public Health
issued the following directive via a Letter of Instruction for Sports
Facilities. It states:
Effective 12:01 a.m. on Friday, October 1, 2021, the Instructions to persons responsible for facilities where organized sports are played and/or practiced:
Require each person, age 12 years and older, at the point of entry, who attends the indoor area of the facility for the purpose of (a) actively participating in organized sports, (b) coaching, officiating at organized sports or volunteering or (c) spectating at organized sports to provide identification and proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or a valid medical exemption
The Town of Georgina respects and supports the Letter of Instruction by York Region that will require those aged 12-17, and coaches/volunteers/officials to be fully vaccinated in order to participate in organized sport as a necessary and fair approach to limiting the spread of COVID-19 and the Variants of Concern. Due to operational considerations the Town will request compliance of the public as of October 1st 2021, but full enforcement will not take place until November 1, 2021. As a result, at this time, no individual, who is currently exempt because they are participating in an organized sport (participants aged 12-17 years or coaches/volunteers/officials) will be turned away if they are unable to provide proof of vaccination or medical exemption until October 31, 2021.
As we continue to navigate the challenges of Covid-19, we appreciate the fatigue and frustration felt by everyone. It is important that we continue working together to ensure the safety of our participants and staff. It would be appreciated if you could share with your parents and participants the importance of working with our staff team and developing an understanding that our staff must enforce regulations and have no latitude to change them.
Looking forward to seeing you at the rink!