Organization | Apr 16, 2019 | Faye McLeod-Budd | 11959 views
Mini Worlds 2019
What a great weekend of hockey!!
This year we had 4 Junior teams and 3 Intermediate
teams for a total of almost 100 players. What a wonderful turnout!!
Congratulations to Team USA Jr and Team Canada Intermediate
on winning Gold medals.
Such exciting
hockey to watch as the 3rd vs 4th place Jr game went to a
shoot out as well as the Gold medal intermediate game.
To all the players and parents…thank you for your participation! A big thank you to all those that helped out to prepare for this event. Also a huge thank you to all the volunteers and coaches that helped out…without you this event would not be the success that it is!! We greatly appreciate your support. Also thank you to all those who brought their baked goods…they were certainly a lot of tasty treats…even cookies with the Golden Hawks logo!!
Pictures of the weekend will be available in the next 7 days. An email will be sent to the email address you provided when registering. The email will provide the link to the pictures.
Georgina Girls Hockey can be found online at:
Instagram @GeorginaGirlsHockey
Facebook Georgina Golden Hawks