Welcome to the 2024/2025 U13B Team !, News, U13B-3305, REP League, REP (Georgina Girls Hockey Association)

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Apr 17, 2024 | Todd Eves | 188 views
Welcome to the 2024/2025 U13B Team !
Welcome to our 24/25 U13 team page!!

My name is Todd Eves, and I will be the Head Coach for this team for the upcoming season. Moving forward, much of our teams news, calendar articles and updates will occur on this site. So please remember to bookmark this team page all your devices (*everything will still also be in Ramp, but I prefer this for better team news, communciation & events)

As we approach our tryout skates for the upcoming season, I want to outline a quick snapshot of what our team and myself will be looking for during tryouts.

We will be looking for players who demostrate the following traits: coachability, respect to coaches/fellow players/opponents, hard working, dedication, those who love practice time, the willingness to learn and most importantly....wanting to have FUN at all times! 

Our season will be filled with goals, laughs, sweat, jokes, nicknames, great communication, pride, lots of time training on ice...along with some training off ice as well. We will have memorable tournaments, a great regular season and hopefully great succes in both playoffs and provincials. The staff will always be focused on all of these points. And, we will expect the team players to be lasered focus on the same goals as well.

While we have a bit of a gap between tryout skate #1 and #2/#3, but I do ask that you arrive prepared and ready to work hard for each tryout. Show that best that you can give at all times. Be yourself....and again, have fun! 

I am coming over from coaching mainly the boys rep program within the OMHA, with a main focus within the 'A' programs. I have bean the Head Coach for past 4 seasons, plus also have held titles of Assistant Coach, Head Trainer, Trainer & more. I very much look forward to bringing over my coaching and playing experience to this new challenge with the girls!

Looking forward to a very successful season together! See you at the rink very soon.

~ Coach Todd

CIBC Asset Management
The 24/25 U13B Georgina Golden Hawks is very proud to have CIBC Asset Management as one of our corporate partners and sponsors for this season. Thank you for your continued support with girls rep hockey! -------------------------------------------- Welcome to CIBC Asset Management For more than 50 years, CIBC Asset Management has been a trusted partner of over 2 million investors and institutions worldwide looking to grow and protect their portfolios. We’re ready to help you navigate your investing journey with innovative solutions, thoughtful insights and dedicated support.